Headache is a pain in the head or upper neck, and is becoming a common problem in many people. Almost everyone suffer from headache in one or the other time. It may be mild, moderate or severe, and pain may affects the overall head, a part of the head, forehead or the eyes. But people feel uneasy whenever they suffer from headache, and may find difficulty in sleeping.
According to health experts, tension is a common cause for headache, and is more common among women than men. There may be many reasons to cause headache, but over work, mental stress, sleeplessness, oxygen deficiency in the blood, acidity are general cause.
Excessive consumption of coffee, tea, and nicotine are also known to contribute to headache. Watching television very closely, reading in dim light, reading while moving on bus, train or car are some of the reasons to cause headache.
Home remedies for headache
* Take a teaspoon full of clove, cinnamon and almond, add water, rind it to make a paste, and apply it on the forehead.
* Add water to sandalwood powder, make paste and apply on the forehead.
* Massage on the scalp with sesame, almond, or mustard oil or ghee.
* Take a teaspoon of almond oil, heat it and put one or two drops in each nostril after cooling.
* Drink hot cow milk always.
* Eat cooked vegetables without oil.
* Drink juice made by vegetable, fruits like apple, mango, and grapes.
* Use rice, salad and buttermilk in your food.
* Use more milk products, nuts and less sweets.
* Avoid meat, fried foods, sour and spicy foods.
* Take rest whenever your body needs.
* Avoid more exposure to cold, heat and rain.
* Don't suppress natural calls like Urine, sneeze, hunger, thirst, sleep, breath, and yawn etc.
* Be cool, patient always.
* Try to keep the mind free from tension, anxiety, worry, and anger.
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